List of Posts written during Feb 2022

This is a list of of posts written during the month Feb 2022
(Rev. 28-Jun-2024)

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List of Posts

This is the complete list of categories of posts written during Feb 2022. They have been ordered by the publish date, with the most recent first.

  1. Published: 05-Feb-2022
    This tutorial shall continue from the previous tutorial where we have made a basic initialization, and we have also created a database to hold the data of our users. In this tutorial we shall make additional configuration to specify our login and access denied pages. We shall also add a restricted (or protected page) and verify that when an un-authenticated user tries to access it, then he is automatically redirected to the login page.

  2. Published: 08-Feb-2022
    The problem with the built-in registration page provided by ASP.NET Core Identity API is that it contains a lot of tags and bootstrap attributes that make it time consuming to integrate it into a project that doesn't use bootstrap or jQuery. The objective of this article is to explain how to create a neat and simple registration page that can be styled with any css and javascript of choice. We use a simple html table to create a form, but we will not use any css and client side validation because that can always be done with the web designer teams.

  3. Published: 10-Feb-2022
    Recall from the previous tutorial that in our program.cs file we have set SignIn.RequireConfirmedAccount = true. This prevents immediate login to a newly registered user. The user is compulsorily required to verify his account through an email or SMS sent to his phone. For this, a link containing a specially generated confirmation token is sent to him. When the user clicks this link then this token is verified on the server side, and the user is informed of the confirmation status.

  4. Published: 11-Feb-2022
    As soon as a new user registers on a website, an account verification email or an sms is immediately sent to him. But it is possible that a user never receives the email, or perhaps he is unable to locate the email that he might have received a few days back. Such a user would ask for the confirmation link to be sent again. This means that we need a mechanism for resending an email to a user. This tutorial explains the steps needed to generate and resend the link to that user.

  5. Published: 13-Feb-2022
    Very often a user is unable to remember the password that he created for a website. In such circumstances, the forgot password link comes to his rescue - it is one of the most important links on a login form. And, in this tutorial we shall implement the functionality for a forgot password link. Let's proceed!

  6. Published: 16-Feb-2022
    We have seen in the previous tutorial that when a user fills the forgot password form, then he is emailed a link to the reset password page. The link contains a password reset code. Now, in this tutorial we shall add a page for reset password.

  7. Published: 19-Feb-2022
    In its simplest terms, a claim is a name-value pair used to verify authorization. For example, you may be authorized to access a page if a claim of name "my_role" and of value "admin" is attached to your identity. In this tutorial we learn how to configure a project for claim based authorization, and how to add claim based authorization to a page.

  8. Published: 24-Feb-2022
    It is a good idea to show the user name of a logged user in the header of each page of a website. And, if the user is not logged in, then the login and register buttons can be shown instead. The best way to implement it is to use partial views in combination with layout pages. This tutorial explains the steps for this.

  9. Published: 24-Feb-2022
    A sign out link allows a logged user to log out of your website. It is usually shown in the header of a page and close to the name of the logged in user. In this tutorial we shall learn how to implement this functionality.

  10. Published: 26-Feb-2022
    You must have seen on various websites that a user account gets locked if the user makes about three unsuccessful login attempts. The exact same functionality is supported by the Identity API also - and it is possible to configure the number of failed attempts before an account gets locked. If a lockout timespan is specified, then the account remains locked for that specific duration. The default value is 5 minutes, but it can be set to any value. The number of failed attempts and the clock are reset when a user performs a successful login.