List of Posts written during May 2022

This is a list of of posts written during the month May 2022
(Rev. 28-Jun-2024)

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List of Posts

This is the complete list of categories of posts written during May 2022. They have been ordered by the publish date, with the most recent first.

  1. Published: 14-May-2022
    This tutorial explains how a POST web api can be called from a C++ WinRT application. I have created a WinRT console application that connects to, and posts a json string to a POST web api, and then obtains a string response from the application, and then parses the json contained in that string. The c++ project is available in your downloads.

  2. Published: 15-May-2022
    Swagger makes it easy to document the various Web Api exposed by your project. The summary of your API is maintained in a json based file called openapi.json. This document is the main document. It is an intermediate document that is used to create a web page called SwaggerUI - which shows all your web api in a colorful, human readable interface. Each web api can be immediately run and tested. It turns out that SwaggerUI is much more easier as compared to the Postman software.

  3. Published: 17-May-2022
    Let us now configure our WebApi project to add support for SwaggerUI. As we told earlier, SwaggerUI is provided by both SwashBuckle and NSwag. We can use either of the two - and I shall be using SwashBuckle.

  4. Published: 18-May-2022
    In this tutorial we shall learn how to call the various types of WebApi from a C# WPF application. I have already created a WPF application that obtains a list of records from our web api project and renders them in a grid. This is a GET web api request that queries a collection of records. The same WPF window has a form for creating a new record - and this is done with a call to the POST web api. When a user clicks a record on the WPF window, a dialog pops up that allows the user to update the record. This will be a call to the PUT Web Api. The same dialog has a delete button that makes a call to the DELETE Web Api.

  5. Published: 18-May-2022
    This tutorial continues from the previous tutorial. We have discussed most of the parts there. So please go through the previous tutorial for a continuity. Now we shall call a POST WebApi from our Wpf Application, and create a new record.

  6. Published: 24-May-2022
    As you must have already seen in the previous tutorials, we have a WPF application that obtains a list of records from our ASPNET Core web api application, and shows them in a WPF datagrid. When a row of the datagrid is clicked, a dialog pops-up that shows a form for editing the record. The save button for this form is wired to a click event handler that makes a PUT call to a web api and updates the record. A delete button on the same form causes a call to a DELETE web api.