(C# ASP.NET Core) Inter Page Navigation and Linking of Razor Pages with Anchor Tag Helpers

Tag helpers provide a standard way of generating html tags in razor pages. They are interpreted on server side. They are of the same syntax as html tags, so a web-designer can style and script them as he does any other html tag. Razor pages are not enabled for tag helpers by default. In this tutorial we learn how to enable a razor page for tag helpers, and we also learn a walkthrough on using the most common "anchor tag helper" to navigate from one razor page to another.
(Rev. 18-Jun-2024)

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What is a tag helper?

A tag helper is a shortcut for generating html tags such as img, a, etc.,.

A tag helper looks like any html tag but has additional attributes that start with asp-. These attributes are interpreted on the server side to generate the correct html tags.

Any html attributes like style, class, etc., can be applied to tag helpers. They can be understood by web designers, who can modify them as per their expertise.

Tag helpers are the preferred way in razor pages.

Video Explanation

Please watch the following youtube video:

Important: Tag helpers are not enabled by default

A razor page must include @addTagHelper directive to enable tag helpers. Tag helpers are usually included through a common _ViewImports file.

The following razor page is enabled for tag helpers.

// any razor page, say, index.cshtml 

// NOTE: this must be PASTED as such 
@addTagHelper *, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers

How many Tag Helpers are there?

ASP.NET Core provides some common ones, but you can add your own also.

The most common ones can be seen here Built-in ASP.NET Core Tag Helpers

We recommend learning them at the point of use. A brief introduction can be seen in the above MSDN page for general knowledge.

About the anchor tag helper

An anchor tag helper is used to generate the standard anchor link.

The most common attribute asp-page specifies the name of the page to navigate to.[see an example in the walkthrough next]

Another most common attribute asp-page-handler specifies the name of the event handler that handles the click event. [we shall cover it later, but you can see an example here (C# ASP.NET Core) Deleting Records from a Database with EF Core]

The attribute asp-area specifies the name of the area folder [we shall cover it later, but you can see (C# ASP.NET Core) Concept of Areas and an Authorization Scheme].

The less common attributes asp-protocol, asp-host specify the fragments of a URL.

Walkthrough on anchor tag helpers

We shall now have a walkthrough where we shall have two razor pages, each containing an anchor link for navigating to the other page.

Create a simple ASP.NET Core project and add two razor pages called "Index" and "Login" so that both of them live side-by-side in the same "Pages" folder.

Complete the Index page as follows:


// enable tag helpers 
@addTagHelper *, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers

<h1>Index Page</h1>

// the asp-page attribute specifies the 
// name of the page to navigate to 
<a asp-page="Login">Login</a>

Complete the Login page as follows:


// enable tag helpers 
@addTagHelper *, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers

<h1>Login Page</h1>

// the asp-page attribute specifies the 
// name of the page to navigate to 
<a asp-page="Index">back to home</a>

Run the project to verify that the navigation works!

Exercises on Layout, CSS Integration and Inter-page linking

for solutions please join our Course on ASP.NET Core with Project ("Find a Doctor")
  1. Create an application with a layout file [full head, body html tags] that shows the current system time in a h1 tag. The file connects to a CSS file called "mycss.css", which is placed in a wwwroot directory, and has a class for a p tag that sets its text color to red. Create a razor page called index that shows your name in a "p" tag. This page should merge into the layout file. Run the app to verify that your name appears in red.
  2. Many CSS frameworks like bootstrap are available on the internet. Find any framework of your choice and create a layout file [full head, body, html, etc.,] by linking its CSS/JS files. Then create two pages - Index and Products. Each page has the same two buttons called "Home" and "Products". When Home is clicked the user should be taken to the Index page, and when Products is clicked the user should be taken to the Products page.

This Blog Post/Article "(C# ASP.NET Core) Inter Page Navigation and Linking of Razor Pages with Anchor Tag Helpers" by Parveen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.