List of Posts written during Dec 2021

This is a list of of posts written during the month Dec 2021
(Rev. 28-Jun-2024)

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List of Posts

This is the complete list of categories of posts written during Dec 2021. They have been ordered by the publish date, with the most recent first.

  1. Published: 01-Dec-2021
    These are the minimal steps for connecting to a MySQL database server with EF Core. A simple application of one textbox form has been used to demonstrate how records can be inserted into a table in a MySQL database. The tables and database are created automatically by EF Core on the basis of code first approach.

  2. Published: 01-Dec-2021
    (LEVEL IS BEGINNERS) These are practice questions and exercises on Areas and Partial Views in Razor Pages. Solve them and join our course for their solutions.

  3. Published: 05-Dec-2021
    These are the minimal steps for connecting to a Microsoft SQL Server database with EF Core. A simple application of one textbox form has been used to demonstrate how records can be inserted into a table in a SQL Server database. The tables and database are created automatically by EF Core on the basis of code first approach.

  4. Published: 06-Dec-2021
    This article is a beginner's introduction to the terminology associated with docker files, docker images and containers. I have kept the explanation bare simple so that it's easy to get started. I have tried to explain the most basic questions like what is a docker, what is it's use for you, and what the basic terms mean in nutshell.

  5. Published: 08-Dec-2021
    This is a walkthrough on creating a docker image with visual studio. We start by creating a simple core project with sqlite database connectivity, and then explain how Dockerfile can be easily created, followed by a docker image. We have included database connectivity because we shall use the same project for persistence with docker volumes later on.

  6. Published: 09-Dec-2021
    This is a walkthrough on running a docker image. We start by explaining the commands for listing the docker images on a computer. Then we explain the commands for running a docker image, and for gracefully shutting down the container. Finally, we examine that when the images are run in this manner, the data is not persisted to disk.

  7. Published: 10-Dec-2021
    In the previous tutorial we were able to run an image in a docker container. The docker container provided a RW memory for our project and also for our sqlite database file. And, we noticed that although the app was running fine, yet the data was not persisting between restarts of the container - it was not getting commited to a persistent store. Whenever we closed and restarted the app we found that the sqlite database started blank, with no data. In this tutorial we shall learn how to attach a virtual disk (or a volume) to your container so that data can persist on your hard disk, so that the data remains available on the next start of the container.

  8. Published: 12-Dec-2021
    This is a walkthrough on uploading a docker image to the docker hub registry. We shall upload the same hellodocker project and then verify the uploaded image by visiting the docker hub portal.

  9. Published: 13-Dec-2021
    In this tutorial we shall learn how to pull and run the docker image of Microsoft SQL Server through the Docker Desktop program. In this same tutorial we shall establish a connection to this instance with the Visual Studio SQL Server Object Explorer.

  10. Published: 14-Dec-2021
    In this tutorial we shall learn how to connect an ASP.NET Core application to a SQL Server image that is running inside a docker container. Some data is entered and later verified that the data indeed reached the SQL Server Instance.

  11. Published: 15-Dec-2021
    In this tutorial we shall first create a docker image of our "Find a Docker" project. After that we shall publish that image to the DockerHub registry of the hub.docker portal. We suggest that you should first go through the chapter "Docker Containerization". That will help you understand the finer detail of docker images, docker containers and the steps for publishing a docker image.

  12. Published: 20-Dec-2021
    In this tutorial we shall learn an introduction to the database migrations. This feature is provided by entity framework core through its command line tools.

  13. Published: 21-Dec-2021
    We shall start by creating a simple core project. Then we shall add nuget packages for a database such as Microsoft SQL Server. After that we shall add a very rudimentary, basic model class, and a DbContext class for specifying the connection string to the built-in SQL Server Express of Visual Studio. Finally, we shall use the package manager console to add the command line tools for ef core migrations.

  14. Published: 24-Dec-2021
    In the previous tutorial we added the EF Core migration tools to our project. We shall now run our first migration to create a blank database and its tables by the code first approach. After that we shall use the SQL Server Object explorer for verifying that our database and its tables have indeed been created.

  15. Published: 26-Dec-2021
    A real life project evolves over a period of time. This process necessitates additions and alterations to the model classes - properties are added, properties are removed, foreign key relations are established, modified, and even removed. All these changes require a matching change to the database structure. This is a challenging task especially when a project is live and contains critical data that must be preserved and protected against corruption and damage. In this tutorial we learn how the EF Core Migration Tools help us easily achieve migrations without writing a single SQL statement or query.

  16. Published: 27-Dec-2021
    In this tutorial we learn that the recommended strategy for migrations is to migrate through SQL Scripts. We will also learn how to use ef core tools for generating the SQL scripts. The scripts can be fine tuned and reviewed for more accurate results.