(ESP32 WROOM) Internet Of Things IOT based Switching

This ASP.NET Core Project is a proof of concept that allows us to control electrical switches in a building, or if it is extended, then it can be used to control street lights also. The project uses an ASPNET Core Web Api application to store the state of the switches. A desktop C# Winforms application uses JWT authentication to communicate and command the ASPNET application. The ASPNET application passes the commands to an ESP32 IOT device programmed through C language. The source codes for (i) ASPNET Project, (ii) ESP32 C-language main.c file + Circuit Diagram and (iii) C# Winforms applications have been provided as downloads. See the link below.
(Rev. 18-Jun-2024)

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Features of this Project

Following are the features of this project!

  1. Control electrical switches in a building.
  2. ASPNET Core WebApi based project + C# Winforms Project + ESP32 IOT Project. All three MUST be on the same Wifi Network.
  3. JWT Token based authentication between C# Winforms and ASPNET Core Application.
  4. A brief explanation of the ESP32 code + the circuit diagram has been provided in the linked videos.
  5. Can be modified to control street lights. This aspect is possible but complicated, so we have not provided any details of this.
  6. Source Code = Source code here

Source Code

Please visit this page for Source Code - Source code here

Video Explanation (see it happen!)

Please watch the following youtube playlist:

Source Code

Please visit this page for Source Code - Source code here

Step2 - Explanation of the ASPNET Core WebApi Project

Watch this video please -

Step 3 - Upload and Explanation of the ESP32 Program

Watch this video please -

Step 4 - Running ESP32 and ASPNET Together

Watch this video please -

Step 5 - Explanation of the WinForms Client Project

Watch this video please -

Final Step - Running the Project - ASPNET + WinForms + ESP32

Watch this video please -

Source Code

Please visit this page for Source Code - Source code here

This Blog Post/Article "(ESP32 WROOM) Internet Of Things IOT based Switching" by Parveen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.