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Intended Output
O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O updating in 15 seconds...
The Plan
- The clock will be of HH:MM format with 4 numbers + 1 colon to be displayed.
- Each number will be 3x5 dot matrix + one column for spacing.
- We shall create a canvas of a blank 2D char array of size ROWS = 5, COLUMNS = (3 + 1), i.e., of size 4 * 5 = 20.
- Then we shall obtain current system time, and extract four digits: HOUR_TENS, HOUR_UNITS, MIN_TENS, MIN_UNITS.
- Each of these digits is saved on the canvas (i.e., 2D array), at its position determined by the offset.
- Finally, the array is printed.
- If the code doesn't compile, try compiling on Visual Studio Express C++ any version.
We are going to use a canvas of 2D array to implement this program. For a better understanding please refer the article(s):
The Source Code
You can copy paste this directly into your cpp file and compile
#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <ctime> using namespace std; // COMPILE ON VISUAL STUDIO EXPRESS 2012 // we shall use 3x5 matrix for each // digit. one column is for space // between two digits. so total cols per // digit = 3 + 1 = 4 const int COLS = 4; const int ROWS = 5; // any symbol is used as the // clock char, you can change // it to whatever const char CLOCK_CHAR = 'O'; // each digit is made of 5x4 = 20 dots // the last column is the spacer // empty dots are set as 0, filled // dots are set as 1 // example of how 3 is encoded- // 1 1 1 0 // 0 0 1 0 // 1 1 1 0 // 0 0 1 0 // 1 1 1 0 // combining: 1110-0010-1110-0010-1110 const char* const codes [] = { // digit 0 "11101010101010101110", // digit 1 "01000100010001000100", // digit 2 "11100010111010001110", // digit 3 "11100010111000101110", // digit 4 "10101010111000100010", // digit 5 "11101000111000101110", // digit 6 "11101000111010101110", // digit 7 "1110001000100010001", // digit 8 "11101010111010101110", // digit 9 "11101010111000100010", // semi-colon separator "00000100000001000000" }; // we have to print HH:MM that will // be of 5 digits. so canvas is x 5 char canvas [ROWS][COLS * 5] = {{0}}; // helper function to store a digit // at offset from the left most digit void storeDigit(int digit, int offset); int main() { start: // get current system time // this is the c library method // for details check documentation time_t t; time(&t); tm* local = localtime(&t); // hour 0-23 int hour = local->tm_hour; // min 0-59 int min = local->tm_min; // HOURS TENS at offset 0 storeDigit(hour/10, 0); // HOURS UNITS at offset 4 storeDigit(hour % 10, 4); // COLON at offset 8 storeDigit(10, 8); // MINS TENS at offset 12 storeDigit(min/10, 12); // MINS UNITS at offset 16 storeDigit(min % 10, 16); // display the canvas for(int row = 0; row < ROWS; row++) { for(int col=0; col < COLS * 5;col++) { printf("%c ", canvas[row][col]); } cout << endl; } cout << "updating in 15 seconds..."; _sleep(15000); system("cls"); goto start; return 0; } // definition of the function // offsets are- // HOURS TENS at offset of 0 // HOURS UNITS at offset of 4 // COLON at offset of 8 // MINS TENS at offset of 12 // MINS UNITS at offset of 16 void storeDigit(int digit, int offset) { for(int row = 0; row < ROWS; row++) { for(int col = 0; col < COLS; col++) { int x = offset + col; int y = row; int dot = COLS * row + col; if('1' == codes [digit][dot]) { canvas[y][x] = CLOCK_CHAR; } } } }
This Blog Post/Article "C/C++ Program to make a digital clock with stars" by Parveen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.