☞ (C, C++ Minor Project) Management of Tasks and Appointments with a Calendar (with Project Report and Source Code)

This is a minor project for summer training /internship of engineering and school students. This project contains source code and also complete project report. The features of this project are that it allows a student to check leap year, view colored calendar, and add appointments, and view them alongside.
(Rev. 18-Jun-2024)

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Table of Contents (top down ↓)

Screenshot 1 of the Project

Screenshot 2 of the Project

The Source Code

The code can be copy-pasted to any .cpp file and compiled with a C++ compiler.

// THAT CAN include windows.h 
// ******standard headers ********** // 
#include "windows.h"

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

#include <ctime>

using namespace std;

// ******Console boilerplate ******* // 
// required for font colors 
#define CONSO GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo

#define GREEN   10

#define CYAN    11

#define RED     12

#define MAGENTA 13

#define YELLOW  14

#define WHITE   15

void* h = ::GetStdHandle((DWORD)-11);


int attr = CONSO(h, &csbiInfo);

void setTextColor(int color)

  SetConsoleTextAttribute(h, color);


void setCursor(int row, int col)

  COORD coord = {col, row};

  SetConsoleCursorPosition(h, coord);


// ******Project Starts Here ******* // 
// ******function declarations  **** // 
void showAppName();

void getInput(BOOL);

BOOL checkLeap();

BOOL printCalendar(int);

void printAppointments();

void pause();

int getNumber();

// ********************************** // 
// ****variables for the project  *** // 
int day, month, year, appointmentDay;

string appointmentText;

// ********************************** // 
int main(void)


  // show the app logo 

  setCursor(3, 20);

  // show the options menu 
  cout << "Pick a menu";

  setCursor(5, 20);

  cout << "1. CHECK LEAP YEAR";

  setCursor(7, 20);

  cout << "2. PRINT CALENDAR";

  setCursor(9, 20);

  cout << "3. ADD APPOINTMENT";

  setCursor(11, 20);

  cout << "4. Quit";

  setCursor(13, 20);

  cout << "Choice [1, 2, 3, 4]? ";

  int choice = getNumber();

  switch (choice)

    // leap year check 
  case 1:

      // get the year to be checked 

      setCursor(5, 20);

      cout << "Result is: ";


        cout << "Year is leap!";



        cout << "Year is NOT leap. . .";


      setCursor(7, 20);

      cout << "Done. Press any key...";

      // pause so that the user 
      // can see the message 

      goto menu;


    // show calendar 
  case 2:

      // get month, year from the user 

      // remove appointments 
      appointmentDay = -1;

      // print calendar 

        // if it fails get a date again 
        setCursor(23, 20);


        cout << "Calendar dates bad. ";

        cout << "Enter again...";

        // pause so that the user 
        // can see the message 


        goto getmon;



        setCursor(23, 20);

        cout<<"Done. Press any key...";

        // pause so that the user 
        // can see the message 

        goto menu;



    // schedule an appointment 
  case 3:

      // get the date, month and year 

      setCursor(7, 20);

      cout << "Enter day: ";

      appointmentDay = getNumber();

      setCursor(9, 20);

      // get the appointment text 
      cout << "Enter text[25-chars]:";

      getline(cin, appointmentText);

      // trim to 25 chars 
      if(appointmentText.size() > 25)




      // print calendar 

        // show appointments 

        setCursor(23, 20);

        cout <<"Done. Press any key...";




        // if errors, ask dates again 
        setCursor(23, 20);


        cout << "Calendar dates bad. ";

        cout << "Enter again...";



        goto getday;


      goto menu;


  case 0:

      goto menu;




  // reset console settings so that 
  // the console returns back to 
  // the default state 
  h, csbiInfo.wAttributes);

  return 0;


// ********************************** // 
void showAppName()


  setCursor(1, 25);


  setCursor(10, 3);


  // make any logo on the left 
  for(int x =0; x < 5; x++)

    setCursor(2 + x, 3 + x);

    cout << "//";

    setCursor(2 + x, 12 - x);

    cout << "//";


  setCursor(6, 6);

  cout << "HOVEN";



// ********************************** // 
// **** obtain month and year // 
void getInput(BOOL monthAlso)


  setCursor(3, 20);


    cout << "Month?[1-12]: ";

    month = getNumber();

    month -= 1;

    setCursor(5, 20);


  cout << "Year?[1970-3000]:";

  year = getNumber();

  year -= 1900;


// ********************************** // 
// **** verify the data as a date // 
int checkDate()

  tm t = {0, 0, 0, day, month, year};

  // mktime function validates the 
  // combination of day, month, year 
  // as a valid date 
  if(mktime(&t) < 0)

    return -1;


  // error in day? return failed 
  if(day != t.tm_mday)

    return -1;


  // error in month? return failed 
  if(month != t.tm_mon)

    return -1;


  // error in year? return failed 
  if(year != t.tm_year)

    return -1;


  // return day of the week 
  // sun = 0, onwards 
  return t.tm_wday;


// ********************************** // 
BOOL checkLeap()

  day = 29;

  month = 1;

  return checkDate() >= 0;


// ********************************** // 
BOOL printCalendar(int fromRow)

  day = 1;

  // if the date is invalid 
  // calendar should not be shown 
  if(-1 == checkDate())

    return FALSE;


  int row = fromRow;

  setCursor(row, 24);

  cout << "CALENDAR for ";

  cout << month + 1 << "-";

  cout << year + 1900;

  row += 2;

  setCursor(row, 20);

  cout << "Mo  Tu  We  Th  Fr  Sa  Su";

  row += 2;

  setCursor(row, 20);

  cout << "==========================";

  row += 1;



      // mon 
    case 1:

        setCursor(row, 20);



      // tue 
    case 2:

        setCursor(row, 24);



      // wed 
    case 3:

        setCursor(row, 28);



      // thu 
    case 4:

        setCursor(row, 32);



      // fri 
    case 5:

        setCursor(row, 36);



      // sat 
    case 6:

        // cyan color for sat weekend 

        setCursor(row, 40);



      // sun 
    case 0:

        // cyan color for sun weekend 

        setCursor(row, 44);

        // after sunday next row 
        row += 2;




        // calendar done 
        return TRUE;



    // yellow color for appointments 
    if(appointmentDay >= 1)

      if(appointmentDay == day)



      // second dummy date of 
      // 17 used but project 
      // must be extended to support 
      // multiple dates 
      if(17 == day)




    printf("%2d", day++);




// ********************************** // 
void printAppointments()


  // print a vertical line to the 
  // right of the calendar 
  for(int x = 2; x < 24; x++)

    setCursor(x, 48);

    cout << "||";



  setCursor(2, 56);

  cout << "APPOINTMENTS";

  setCursor(4, 52);

  cout << appointmentDay;

  cout << " - " << appointmentText;

  setCursor(6, 52);

  // dummy date of 17 also used 
  // but project must be extended 
  // to support multiple dates 
  cout << "17 - for a dinner!";



// ********************************** // 
// **** obtain a numeric input // 
int getNumber()

  // best approach is to get the 
  // input as a string and then 
  // convert it to integer 
  string s;

  getline(cin, s);

  return atoi(s.c_str());


// ********************************** // 
// **** a dummy pause // 
void pause()

  string s;

  getline(cin, s);


// ********************************** // 

Project Report

This is the project report of the minor project on management of appointments, management of tasks and also display of the calendar. This report is meant for b.tech. summer training project. School students of class 10th and 12th can also use this report for their final exam project.

  1. The options menu allows a user to check whether an year is a leap year or not. The second option allows the user to view the calendar for a given month of a given year. The third option allows a user to manage his appointments and tasks.
  2. Weekdays of saturday and sunday are shown in cyan color.
  3. The dates of appointments are shown in yellow color.
  4. The list of appointments and tasks is shown on the right, in magenta color.
  5. The company logo is shown on the left side.

How it Works?

The project is based on the c library function called mktime.

The function mktime accepts a struct called tm by pointer. The struct should be filled for date [1-31], month [0-11] and year since 1900. If the combination forms a valid and possible date, then the date, month and year members of "tm" remain unchanged. But if the combination is invalid, the function adjusts and changes them so as to form the nearest correct date.

So how do we check the correctness of a date? See the function checkDate(). We pass a filled tm to mktime, and then compare the new values of tm with the old values. Any mismatch confirms the date as invalid.

How is the Calendar displayed?

First we obtain the month and year from the user. Then we keep checking day = 1, 2 and so on till a failure is reported. As we check a day we print it to the console.

A switch statement is started on the day of the week. For each day, the column is adjusted so that all dates of monday fall under the first column, and likewise for others. If the day is a sunday, the printing is shifted to the next row.

When the week day is saturday or sunday, the color of text is changed to cyan so that the weekend stands out.

How are Tasks and Appointments Managed?

The user is asked to enter the day, month and year of his appointent or task. The data is stored in three variables - appointmentDay, month and year. The user is also asked to enter the text of his appointment or task. At present neither of these are saved in a file. But that should be done by the student himself as an exercise.

Finally, the calendar is drawn, with the appointmentDay shown as colored yellow.

Next we show the appointments along with their dates on the right hand side. In this way are able to utilize the space on the right. First a green colored vertical separator is drawn, then the tasks are shown in magenta color.

Compilers and OS Used

We have tested the program both on Visual C++ as well as dev-cpp on Windows. We expect it to compile on any available compilers. We are not sure whether this program will compile on linux or mac.

Limitations of this Project

Following are some of the limitations of this project:

  1. Tasks and appointments are not saved in a file.
  2. The coordinates of the cursor are hard-coded, and appear as magic numbers. A better approach should have been to use variables for the cursor position.

This Blog Post/Article "☞ (C, C++ Minor Project) Management of Tasks and Appointments with a Calendar (with Project Report and Source Code)" by Parveen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.