(ASPNET Core Exercises) Practice Exercises on Identity in ASPNET Core

This is a collection of exercises on Identity in ASPNET Core. Solutions have been provided for almost all of them.
(Rev. 18-Jun-2024)

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Exercise 1 - Identity is an excellent library that contains a lot of boilerplate code that can be "twisted" to meet specific needs of an application. How will you structure an ASPNET Core application that presents a registration form of just one input box that allows a user to register with his phone number as the login ID? Use Sqlite as your database instead of SQL Server. A login page is NOT required in this exercise. Create a home page (index.cshtml) that contains a link to your registration page.

Solution ⟹ Please refer this →

The above link leads to our course on ASPNET Core Solution + Projects + Exercises + Tutorials + Interview Questions please visit the link.

Exercise 2 - Extend the project in Exercise 1 to add a login page that allows the user to login with his phone. The password is sent on his phone through an SMS. Redirect to the home page if the user logs in successfully, otherwise inform him that the login has failed.

Solution ⟹ Please refer this →

The above link leads to our course on ASPNET Core Solution + Projects + Exercises + Tutorials + Interview Questions please visit the link.

This Blog Post/Article "(ASPNET Core Exercises) Practice Exercises on Identity in ASPNET Core" by Parveen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.